Using a Euroclean Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner? How long have you been using it? If it has been months,
you must be well familiar with its operation dynamics. Worry not about using
this appliance in front of children. Every Euroclean model comes ‘doubly
insulated’ with a PVC jacket, ensuring complete safety. Yes, it is
child-friendly. This does not mean that you allow your child to operate it!
Complete details of each
Eureka Forbes vacuum cleaner are displayed at If you are a
new user or have recently bought it and though the executive who performed a
home demonstration did instill confidence in you about the operation dynamics,
you may still not able to operate it. Just read the user manual. Detailed
description about operation is provided in all user manuals. Not able to find
the user manual? Get it downloaded from
What about suction operation of
your Euroclean appliance? If you follow the duration dynamics, you can ensure
for your appliance a long life. Depending on your cleaning area and requirement,
the suction can be run for 1.5 hours continuously. Do remember that continuous
operation time for the blower is 30 minutes; take a break of 2-3 minutes and
then resume.